Improbable Fiction- Alan Ayckbourn

CADS  2019-20 Season Opener (6th-7th Dec, 8th Matinee)

Alan Ayckbourn known for his comic writing, his Improbable Fiction will not disappoint. Performing in the round at The Kirkgate Centre, Cockermouth. CADS will be delivering an outstanding comedy around story writing, the writers and their struggles to put pen to paper,  their relationships and how reality and imagination can fuse together to create a hilarious best seller!

Director- Jill Roper

Producer- Simon Pollitt

Arnold- Ian McCaul
Ilsa- Cara De Mello
Jess- Hilary Rhodes
Grace- Jacqui Walker
Vivvi- Rosie De Mello
Clem- Jack Sewell
Stage Management- Anita McCaul, Shaun Davidson


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